Preparation and costs of issue

Own issue
(Private Placement)
Third party issues
(Introcution to the stock exchange by an issuing bank)
Preperation - Annual accounts; interim balance
- Corporate planning
- Calculation of profits
- Expert’s report of fixed and current assets
- Annual accounts, certified by an auditor
- Extensive due dilliegence to determine the issue price
Issuing and salesprospectus Preparation of the prospectus Preparation of the prospectus
Costs for processing issues As agreed € 250.000 to € 750.000
Shares Depending on financing instrument Printing of the shares to be issued
Bank Consortium None  Meetings and negotiations on the compilation of the bank consortium; with syndicate agreement
Selling commissions Appr. 7-10 % of the placement volume in consideration of the agio paid by the investor Appr. 10-15% of the placement volume (no additional agio of the shareholder)
Print material Costs for marketing and printing the issuing material (prospectus, advertising material etc.)  Costs for marketing and printing the issuing material (prospectus, advertising material etc.)
Stock exchange listing None; no costs Costs of the listing 
Estimated preparation time Appr. 6-12 weeks Appr. 6-8 months
© Dr. jur. Horst S. Werner, Gerhard-Gerdes-Straße 5, D-37079 Göttingen